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No part of this document is intended to, nor shall it be inferred, to supersede any regulations or legislation contained in the. Security Services and Investigators Act of Alberta.



Members of the Alberta Association of Private Investigators will:

  1. Maintain appropriate License requirements; and
  2. Conduct investigations in accordance with the law; and
  3. Comply with all lawful orders of the courts and testify to matters truthfully, accurately and without bias or prejudice; and
  4. Refrain from insinuating or representing oneself as a member of Law Enforcement; and
  5. Consider all legal issues raised during the course of an investigation and review these with the client.




Members of the Alberta Association of Private Investigators will:

  1. Pledge to maintain confidentiality of the information gathered during the course of an investigation subject to the agreement with the client and/or as required by law.
  2. Treat with discretion and respect those whom we are called upon to investigate.  Ensure that contact with anyone regarding the investigated individual is discreet, respectful, non-threatening and non-judgmental.




Members of the Alberta Association of Private Investigators will:

  1. Submit to the client objective, unbiased complete reports, including all relevant information.
  2. Refrain from creating evidence, by having a person engage in any activity or action they would not normally do, thus incriminating themselves falsely.
  3. Ensure the accuracy of all photographs, video or audio evidence obtained during the course of the investigation.
  4. Ensure that anyone under the age of majority is interviewed in the presence of and/or with the permission of their legal guardian.
  5. Make reports of progress to the client by the method and with the regularity previously agreed upon.
  6. Refrain from accepting referrals where a potential conflict of interest exists.
  7. No member will at any time make false or misleading claims to professional qualifications not possessed.
  8. Engage in marketing that is factually accurate and avoid exaggerated claims as to costs or results.
  9. Members will ensure that, prior to accepting an engagement, all objectives of the client are understood and that the client is fully aware of anticipated costs and completion of assignment.
  10. Will employ only licensed investigators in all aspects of investigative work except in an administrative capacity.
  11. Cooperate with law enforcement and governmental agencies without breaching client confidentiality.




Members of the Alberta Association of Private Investigator will:

  1. Not deny equal professional services or employment to any person for reasons of multicultural diversity and physical challenges.  Members shall not be party to any plan or agreement to discriminate against a person or persons on the basis of the above.
  2. Be obligated to report any breaches of legal, ethical or questionable conduct on the part of a member where it is believed such conduct will bring discredit to the profession and/or be detrimental to its members.
  3. Comply with the instructions from a referring firm.
    1. Refrain from contacting the referring firm's client without permission.
    2. Pay promptly for all work conducted by other investigative firms.
    3. Any inference regarding competitors must be rendered with strict professional integrity and courtesy.
  4. Will not use any information obtained during the course of an investigation for personal gain or personal advantage.




Members of the Alberta Association of Private investigators will:

  1. Maintain competency in fields of expertise.
  2. Promote any educational programs which will serve to raise the standards, efficiency and effectiveness of the private investigations industry.




Members of the Alberta Association of Private Investigators will:

  1. Comply with the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice of the Association as amended from time to time and with any order or resolution of the Board of Directors or its committees under the Bylaws of the Alberta Association of Private Investigators.
  2. Not make false or malicious statements about another Association member.
    1. All correspondence and remarks made by a private investigator, addressed to or concerning another private investigator, or any other professional organization, must be accurate, courteous and fair.
  3. Be subject to disciplinary action for any offense which constitutes a. breach of professional conduct.
  4. Ensure all dues are paid in full.  Failure to renew membership may result in the removal of the member from the association.
  5. Have membership in the Association denied or revoked if obtained by means of fraud and/or other irregularity.  A member shall notify the Association immediately regarding a person who has obtained membership by means of fraud or other irregularity.
  6. Comply with all requests of the Board of Directors of the Alberta Association of Private Investigators to produce within a reasonable time frame, any requested information in the members possession, custody or control in matters related to potential breaches of the association Bylaws, Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice notwithstanding the rules governing confidentiality or the Serfdom of the Personal Information and Protection of Privacy Act. (PIPPA)
  7. Not make public statements or comments that may be interpreted as representing the Alberta Association or Private Investigators or its views. except when authorized by the Board of Directors to act as an official spokesperson for the Association.
  8. Maintain adequate liability insurance.